Recently, Mark Mayfield, Editor of AV Technology magazine, contacted AV-1 to find out if our members might be willing to participate in a brief survey for an upcoming article about the use of IT metrics to evaluate AV operations and investments.
"Of course," I said, "AV-1 people are all about quality of service and true cost of ownership. Heck, we even teach a workshop on the UNC budget model called True Cost of Ownership!"
Wouldn't you like to see how your operations compare to your peers'?
The online survey is anonymous, easy and painless and will take you under two minutes to complete (one page, six easy questions).
It would mean a lot to me if you could take a moment right now to complete this survey...
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You'll be able to read the results in the November/December issue of AV Technology magazine. If you are not a subscriber, you can get it FREE by browsing to . Tip: You'll save many trees by subscribing to the digital edition which arrives in your inbox as a web link to masterfully designed "virtual magazine" with pages you can turn and full search capabilities.
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