Our recent pre-InfoComm survey told us that 63% of AV-1 readers attend InfoComm for educational (Professional Development) purposes. This got our readers, and us at AV-1 HQ, asking more and more questions about professional development.
The questions came more quickly than we could answer...
Is InfoComm the best place to engage in Professional Development?
Are there other great ways to continue to learn??
Are technology directors and managers getting all the Professional Development they feel is required???
How come we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway????
We knew the only way to get the low-down was to go back to you, knowledgeable readers, and ask a few more questions. Please take a minute to fill out the survey and let us know what/if you are doing for professional development. As always, the results will be posted by next Monday.
Scott Tiner
Bates College
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