On Monday, we posed six questions to the AV-1 community about the value of professional development. This is my analysis of your responses. Please let us know what you think.
First, we fall into a pretty tight band with regard to how many Professional Development (PD) opportunities we get per year. 73% of respondents are able to arrange up to six opportunities, and not a single respondent indicated getting over 10 opportunities. Six of us responded that they get no PD.
We would love to hear more from those of you who get no PD... is that by choice or for some other reason?
Respondents are split on whether those opportunities are enough for us. 54% of us indicated that we do not feel the amount of PD we receive adequately prepares us for our positions. If you are in that 54%, can you tell the group about the struggles you have in getting enough PD?
For the 46% who feel they get enough PD, can you tell us what types of learning you are doing that leaves you satisfied?
The two most popular providers of PD were InfoComm and Manufacturer specific training.
Is that to be expected considering the value both of those providers get from training you? Is it interesting that the next most popular method of obtaining PD is from local or regional associations? Is this because they are regional, we feel comfortable amongst people we know, or is it because they are close and cost less to attend? Is it for some other reason?
Finally, what about the obstacles to obtaining PD for the 56% of us who feel we need more? Not surprising, the main obstacle is money. 42% of respondents indicated that cost was the major obstacle to obtaining more PD. The next highest rated obstacle, at 24%, was time away from work. Again, is this a surprise considering the economic environment? None of us want to be seen as the slacker who is always off on a junket.
Those of us behind the scenes at AV-1 are interested in your feedback on this survey. What could AV-1 do to provide valuable, inexpensive (free) PD to you? For managerial and technical purposes you have defined the subjects you are most interested in, planning and design, respectively. Would you be interested in webinars from colleagues who are experts in certain fields? How about case studies from other Technology Managers? Comment on this story or post a reply to the AV-1 list. Tell us your reaction to this data.
Technical Issues to Learn About
Managerial Issues to Learn About
by Scott Tiner | |||
The results pretty much followed my own responses. I belong to two professional associations, CCUMC and AHECTA, that are focused on the educational application of AV media. Both hold annual conferences, neither of them can I attend due to the cost. Their listservs are very valuable and to me are a source of Prof. Development because someone's solution can be my new information. Sometimes a follow-up with a responder adds to understanding. If I had nothing else, Infocomm and NAB would be my two national choices, Infocomm first because I don't do broadcast and it is a little smaller so the manufacturer's people have a little more time to talk. How could AV-1 help? I'm not sure right now.
Posted by: Steve Douglas | March 26, 2010 at 11:41 AM