This June in Las
Vegas, EduComm brings together top
thought leaders, innovators, and speakers to present, discuss, and navigate the
unprecedented challenges and opportunities shaping the future of higher
Here is AV-1's short-list of recommended activities and sessions while you are there. (If you had been planning to attend only InfoComm while in Vegas, think again!)
Monday, June 7
1:30pm - 4:00pm
Classroom Tour of University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Guide: Joe Schuch Senior Associate for New Learning Environments, Thorburn Associates.
EduComm and InfoComm attendees are invited to visit some of UNLV's most advanced learning space including the J-School's newly completed Greenspun Hall (at right). Visiting other institutions provides the opportunity for colleagues to generate ideas and discuss challenges to planning and support of learning space at their institutions. Don't miss this opportunity!
Special thanks to Darrell Lutey, Assistant Director of UNLV Instructional Technology Services for arranging the visit.
Space is limited. The visit is open to attendees of EduComm and InfoComm. Click here to join us!
6:30pm - 7:30pm Ballroom A
Street Fighting Higher Education-Get Ready to Rumble
Speaker: Sanjoy Mahajan Associate Director of MIT's Teaching and Learning Laboratory.
Dr. Mahajan's insights into intuitive problem solving and the unintended effects of higher education's accepted methodologies are transforming our understanding of how excellence is achieved, and how too often, academic success is eroded and undermined by precisely those things we thought were improving it. See also
Tuesday, June 8
10:30am - 11:25am Ballroom H
Down the Rabbit Hole: Using Alternate Reality Games for Education and Training
Speakers: Sarah "Intellagirl" Smith-Robbins Director of Emerging Technologies at Indiana University, Kelley School of Business; David Eisert Manager of Emerging Technologies at Purdue University.
Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) present a new form of immersive experiential learning. Regardless of the topic being taught, participants in ARGs engage in an active, creative way with the game's mechanics while also exploring collaboration mechanics, technology, and the attraction of a compelling story.
11:30am - 12:25pm Ballroom B
Speakers: Ashley F. Burt Interim Director of Information Technology at Auburn University; Michael J. Chavers Information Technology Specialist IV Auburn University.
How are tablet computers used by students at Auburn University's College of Veterinary Medicine? Items to be covered include how the program developed; vision for how students can use these devices to enhance learning; how the college supported students; feedback on success; and plans for the future.
12:30pm - 2:00pm Ballroom A
Annual Higher Ed Technology Update with David Pogue
David Pogue is the personal-technology columnist for the New York Times. Each week, he contributes a print column, an online column, an online video and a popular daily blog, "Pogue's Posts."
2:15pm - 3:15pm Ballroom C
The New Helpdesk: Resolving Any Issue, Anywhere, at Anytime
Panel: Apurva Mehta Director of IT, UMass; Jonathan Brennan Director of Information Technology Services, Sage Colleges; Richard Crim CIO and Information Technology Strategist, Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC).
Senior IT leaders will detail the success of delivering IT support services 24-hours per day to users in distributed locations, as well as the qualitative benefits of leveraging remote support technology. They'll share lessons learned and provide anecdotal advice on maintaining an effective campus IT department under tight budgetary constraints.
3:45pm - 4:45pm Ballroom B
In the Hotseat: Connecting with Students Through Backchannel Banter
Speaker: Kyle Bowen Director of informatics at Purdue University, where he is responsible for providing Web design and application development support for the university community; Hans Peter Aagard Senior Educational Technologist at the Rosen Center for Advanced Computing at Purdue University.
Hotseat, a new mobile Web application developed at Purdue University, enables students to engage in micro-discussion style collaboration both inside and outside the classroom from an iPhone, mobile device, participate via Twitter, or within a custom Facebook application, thereby transforming the traditional passive student experience through integration with popular Web 2.0 Web sites.
Wednesday, June 9
9:00am - 9:55am Ballroom H
Your Digital Personality: The Real You in Your Online Class
Speaker: Todd Conaway Instructional Designer at Yavapai College in Arizona.
Participants will receive resources and examples of online instructors integrating their personality into their courses using web 2.0 products. Discuss the driving need for more than text-based learning.
10:30am - 11:25am Ballroom B
Extending Beyond the Classroom with Collaborative Spaces
Speaker: Amy L. Haston Learning Spaces Analyst at Purdue University.
Learn the steps Purdue University has taken to create their current collaborative spaces, which were driven primarily by key faculty and their pedagogy. How did Purdue's Information Technology staff responded to the students' needs? How did Purdue use a student centric model to design collaborative spaces to engender collaborative work outside of the classroom, allowing students to better prepare for the world they will enter?
10:30am - 11:25am Ballroom C
Lessons Learned from Classroom Services AV Training Modules
Speakers: Amanda Mast Assistant AV Systems Engineer at University of Notre Dame; Jason Railton Assistant Manager, Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces University of Notre Dame.
The University of Notre Dame classroom support model was originally based on full time staff responding immediately to faculty calls for assistance from our classrooms. This model worked well in the 1990's when technology classrooms were few in number. As the number of technology classrooms has expanded it became clear that the original support model would not scale well. This presentation describes how we developed a training program to equip student employees to respond to most calls for assistance.
11:30am - 12:25pm Ballroom C
The DO's and Don'ts of implementing Smart Classrooms
Speaker: Ken Woo Dir. of IT & Facilities at Northwestern University School of Continuing Studies.
This session will explain how Nortwestern incorporated the best of what others were doing in order to make our smart classrooms better. You will leave with the building blocks to distinguish between a "need" and a "wish" for a Smart Classroom. Some lessons learned will also be discussed and what we saw as what works and what doesn't.
12:30pm - 2:00pm Ballroom A
How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education
Speaker: Curtis Bonk Professor at Indiana University and author of The World is Open: How Web Technology is Revolutionizing Education.
Many next-big-things introduced in recent years have failed to live up to that potential. In his recent book The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education, Curtis Bonk argues that what has been missing is convergence. Bonk outlines 10 technology trends that, when combined in whole or in part, can transform learning.
2:15pm - 3:15pm Ballroom D
Network Refresh: Elevating Higher Educational Facilities into the 21st Century
Speakers: Tripti Sinha Director of Networking and Telecommunications, Office of Information Technology at University of Maryland, College Park; Tom Vogler Assistant VP of Finance and Administration, Office of Information Technology at the University of Maryland.
This session will highlight the best practices and processes for higher educational facilities to meet state mandates and enhance overall communication, research, and educational resources throughout the university.
2:15pm - 3:15pm Ballroom H
Speaker: Phil Ice Director of Course Design Research and Development at American Public University.
This session will help institutional decision makers understand how to effectively capture and utilize knowledge and data from across the enterprise to drive programmatic growth. Topics covered will include using data to enhance pedagogical effectiveness, implementation of new technologies, reporting to accreditation agencies and maximizing return on investment.
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Panel Discussion: Disruptive Technology in Education
Panelists: Joe Schuch Senior Associate for New Learning Environments at Thorburn Associates; Sarah Robbins Director of Emerging Technologies at Kelley Executive Partners; Phil Ice Director of Course Design, Research and Development at American Public University.
In education, are there any technologies that are not disruptive, really? With the arrival of each "great new thing" how can one know which to keep and which to toss? As leaders in our communities, how can we move our organizations and cultures from reactive to proactive?
Join us for an engaging discussion of disruptive technologies in the classroom and higher education.
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